Eating too much in one sitting or taking in too many calories throughout the day are common habits that can be hard to break.
Over time, eating too much food can lead to weight gain and increase the risk of developing a chronic condition, such as diabetes or heart disease.
These are 21 simple things that you can do to help you improve your eating
Get rid of distractions
Know you trigger foods
Don’t ban favourites
Try volumetrics
Avoid eating from containers
Reduce stress
Eat Fibre-rich foods
Eat Regular Meals
Keep a Food Journal
Dine with Like - Minded friends
Fill up on Protein
Stabilize your blood sugar levels
Slow down the pace of your eating
Watch your alcohol intake
Plan ahead
Replace sugary beverages with water
Check in with yourself
Ditch the diet mentality
Break old habits
Eat healthy fats
Keep your goals in mind
Get help if needed
Practice Mindful eating